Variation Selector-16

An invisible codepoint which specifies that the preceding character should be displayed with emoji presentation. Only required if the preceding character defaults to text presentation.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How emoji looks on Apple Iphone, Android and other platforms

Category ❗ Format
Subgroup Variation selector
Codepoints FE0F

Tags and Keywords:

Variation Selector-16
Variation Selector

Variation Selector-16 ️ emoji codes for devs:

HTML hex ️
HTML dec ️
URL escape code %EF%B8%8F
Punycode -
Bytes (UTF-8) EF B8 8F
JavaScript, JSON, Java \uFE0F
C, C++, Python \uFE0F
PHP, Ruby \u{FE0F}
Perl \x{FE0F}


Emoji Versions: