๐Ÿก Blowfish

A cartoon image of a blowfish or a puffer fish, which puffs up and becomes spiky when alarmed. Depicted as an orange or brown blowfish in full profile facing left, with small fins, a white underside, and a round, spiky body, as if inflated. Also known as fugu in Japan, an expensive yet poisonous delicacy.

Copy and paste this ๐Ÿก emoji:

Also Called

  • ๐ŸกFugu
  • ๐ŸกPufferfish

Apple Name

  • ๐ŸกBlowfish

How emoji looks on Apple Iphone, Android and other platforms

Category ๐Ÿถ Animals & Nature
Subgroup Animal marine
Codepoints 1F421
Shortcode :blowfish:

Tags and Keywords:

Blowfish ๐Ÿก emoji codes for devs:

HTML hex 🐡
HTML dec 🐡
URL escape code %F0%9F%90%A1
Punycode xn--po8h
Bytes (UTF-8) F0 9F 90 A1
JavaScript, JSON, Java \uD83D\uDC21
C, C++, Python \U0001f421
CSS \01F421
PHP, Ruby \u{1F421}
Perl \x{1F421}


Emoji Versions: